Order Types

Understand how and when to use orders to buy and sell a security, including market, limit, and stop orders. Or explore other trading topics:

3 Order Types: Market, Limit and Stop Orders

Market orders, limit orders, and stop orders are common order types used to buy or sell stocks and ETFs. Learn how and when to use them.

Trading Up-Close: Bracket Orders

Learn about helping to manage risk by using bracket orders.

Trailing Stop Orders: Mastering Order Types

Learn how stock traders who prefer to follow the trend can use trailing stops as an exit strategy.

Mastering the Order Types: Limit Orders

Learn about the types, risks, and advantages of limit orders.

Stop Orders: Mastering Order Types

Learn how stop orders can help traders gain better control of their trade objectives.

Stock Order Types and Conditions: An Overview

Market orders, limit orders, and stop orders are common order types used to buy or sell stocks and ETFs. Learn about these order types and order qualifiers.

Understanding Market, Limit, and Stop Orders

The stock order type can have a big impact on when, how, and at what cost an order gets filled. Learn about three common types: market orders, limit orders, and stop orders.

Buy, Sell, and Hold Stock Analysis: What to Consider

Learn how to use stop and limit orders and why reading financial statements could be important for buy/sell/hold analysis.

Help Protect Your Position Using Stop Orders

Help protect your position. Stop orders may help you obtain a predetermined entry or exit price, limit a loss, or lock in a profit.

Trading Up-Close: Stop and Stop-Limit Orders

Learn the difference between a stop order and a stop-limit order and how to decide when to use one over the other